Birth Story

I was 38 weeks pregnant when I was induced with my son Máximo. I was induced at that time because my son was a big boy and it was advice by my doctor to have a natural birth. Being a first time mom you prepare for everything you can think of ; I had our hospital bags ready to go I had pre registered at our hospital and baby’s nursery was all set up ready for baby.I remember being really excited and anxious to meet our son our first born. My labor ended up been 27 hours long with intense contractions because I was being induced (contractions come harder more intense and painful than regular labor) I waited and took the epidural but it never really did anything for me . (epidural hurt really bad ) I still felt all the contractions. I never dilated enough to start pushing. I was in the most physical pain I ever been in my life and i was willing to keep going to have a normal birth. It wasn’t until the doctor told us that our son’s heart rate and breathing was decreasing that I instantly got horrified and couldn’t think of the possibility of loosing my baby. It had been 27 hours of labor and not much dilated to where our best choice was to go through surgery (csection) to get my baby out and stabilized his heart and breathing. I remember been strong and trying to keep positive . I was in so much pain and now my heart was in pain to the though of loosing my baby . I remember after been under anesthesia for surgery that I was trying my hardest to not fall asleep I never vomited during pregnancy and I vomited 3 times during my csection. I remember feeling a lot of pressure in my stomach as they cut me open and hearing the doctor say here comes Maximo. I remember crying as I heard those first cries of my son finally being born. I was instantly relief that he was okay and not in distress anymore. My son did have low blood sugar so I wasn’t able to hold him until 4 hours after been born ( he was taken to stabilize his health) This was very hard as well to not be able to hold him after going through all of this. 
I’ve never shared this before it was the most emotional,happy,grateful,unforgettable day of my life and I cried writing this because it brought me back to that incredible experience.


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